Looking for your next job, changing direction or returning to work, you wish to reinforce the effectiveness of your approach to the labour market.

 Jérôme Percheron is a graduate of CIFFOP (1985) and International Mozaik and has 25 years of diversified experience in strategic and operational management, as HR Director and then as CEO of different companies.

He provides individual support to executives and managers during key moments of their professional future, particularly in leadership development and/or integration coaching, development of responsibilities and professional transition.  

Target group: all alumni (12 people max. / session).

Course: 4 thematic and pedagogical workshops of 2 hours each.

The first part of each workshop (1h15): presentation and exchange around a particular theme led by an outplacement and/or recruitment professional allowing you to strengthen your approach to the job market on a specific point.  

The second part of each workshop (1h15): meeting with recruitment and/or individual coaching professionals to compare individual communication tools and methods ( pitch, CV, etc.).

How to participate :

Register in the agenda before the workshop (first come, first served) - 12 participants maximum.