You are a young graduate and seek guidance in your first professional steps? Get in touch with an Alumni who will advise you throughout the year. It’s easy!
Who is Ciffop Mentoring for: any young CIFFOP graduate of less than two years registered in the CIFFOP Alumni community.
What is CIFFOP Mentoring exactly? An Alumni (with minimum 3 years of experience) will be your “mentor” as you start in your first position and for a maximum period of one year. This program provides you with a contact person to help you shape your career plan, exchange perspectives and enhance the development of your skills, thanks to the guidance of an Alumni with similar experience to yours.
How can I participate ?
Simply send us an email at including the following information:
- Name/ First name:
- Master :
- Promotion:
- Current position:
- Company:
- Targeted position:
- Your expectations from the mentoring program (goals):
- Other info / comments:
We strive to match the mentors to your professional ambition, which is why we need to know you as well as possible. Don’t be shy ! ????
Caroline Cursaz graduated from CIFFOP’s HR and Labor Relations Master in 2014 with prior experience in recruitment and training. She is now coach for professional evolution
Claire Cousin (2016) graduated from CIFFOP’s International Master in 2016 with prior experience in recruitment and training. She works today as a Digital HR Transformation Consultant with Deloitte London and is involved in the development of the company’s HR strategy as well as the implementation and improvement of HR systems.